Sunday, August 3, 2008

Investment 3 (Garbage is Gold)

After Mr.Jo sale asset, He comfortable from loan; He had time to think how to make money from now. Mr. Jo has much electronic equipment, Toy, book and etc, Mr. Jo think should be exchange to money.
Check Garbage
1. Stereo
2. Old Magazine
3. Old Book
4. Laser Player
5. Old Computer
6. Old Notebook
8. Old Furniture , Desk
Check who is buys Garbage
1. Check by Google
2. Check by Newspaper
3. Check by Yellow page
Benefic for change garbage to Money
1. House is clean
2. Money (Do not look over the Cent, Because 1 dollar is 100 Cent)
3. Principle, when you want to buy something to House, You’ll get question is must for you or not?